Sunday, 8 December 2013

Master the Art of Detangling

Galatians 5:17

In every believer’s heart there is a constant struggle between the old nature and the new. But although the battle is often fierce, we have a mighty helper – Jesus, the captain of our salvation. He is always with us, and He assures us that we will end up as “more than conquerors” through him. Jesus is the way.

Hello beautiful people, I’m officially back to blogging about my hair after being away for what felt like forever. It’s awesome to be back.

Now let’s get down to the nitty gritties of Detangling.

Let’s face it, learning how to detangle hair with texture or natural hair requires both patience and practice.

Monday, 21 October 2013

Damaging Effects of Excessive Heat on Hair

A lot of women may not be aware that heat in excess has harmful effects on hair, more so for women who are of African heritage. You’re probably curious as to how and why, but I’ll break it down for you.

Before I get to the damaging effects, I’ll list a few examples in which artificial heat may be incorporated into your daily or weekly routine. ( I say artificial because this is not heat produced by our own bodies)

Thursday, 10 October 2013

My Length Check Tee

Here goes. . . I finally created  my own length check tee. YAY!!

There’s nothing better than keeping in touch with the length of your locks. A few months ago, I would pull out my measuring tape and note down just how long my hair was or how much more length I wanted. Using measuring tape is a great method however it was a little harder for me to be precise, so I went ahead and created my own tee. It’s real simple. Here’s how. .

Monday, 7 October 2013

The Secret Behind a Pre-Poo.

Pre–Poo? What on earth is that?

Well, to start of, the term ‘pre-poo’ is short for ‘pre-shampoo’. It’s basically a treatment that you can apply to your hair prior to shampooing it. The treatment can consist of a number of things ranging from natural oils to conditioners.

Sunday, 15 September 2013

Dealing with breakage at the Demarcation Line.

First things first…What is a demarcation line?
A demarcation line is terminology that refers to the point at which two hair textures meet. In my case, I am currently 7 week’s post relaxer ( I say ‘relaxer’ because I texlaxed using a mild relaxer – refer to my older post titled “Ever heard of Texlaxing. . .” ). I’m slowly transitioning to texlaxed hair, so I definitely have a demarcation line, actually, I have two demarcation lines. The first being between the new growth and the texlaxed hair and the second being between the texlaxed hair and the relaxed hair. Considering I’m only 7 weeks post, my new growth is not as much, so I’m not too concerned about the first demarcation line. Either way, breakage is likely to occur at one or both of the lines if the hair lacks proper care.

Thursday, 12 September 2013

Discover your Hair Type

The first question that probably pops into mind is “What on earth is hair typing?” Some people may go on to ask “Is it important that I know my hair type?” or “So now that I know my hair type, what next!”
Let’s begin,

Bantu Knot Pin Up

This one is my personal favorite. The day before was my ‘wash day’ (details of my wash day coming up soon), and I had on 6 Bantu Knots overnight with 3 on either side. (I’ll make a post on Bantu Knots sometime soon). I gathered the sections that were on the left side of my head, and pinned each one separately. Oh! I only use my fingers for separation. And then I just fluffed out the hair on the right side with my fingers too. There was absolutely no need for a comb with this style.

Saturday, 7 September 2013

Rolled Up Hive ♥


Another one of my roll ups, it kind of looks like a bun, although it’s not. With this one, I rolled up the two back sections and pinned them. I had two side sections, so I rolled them toward the middle and pinned them. I wasn’t quite sure what to do with the hair at the top of my head, so I pinned it, and it came out like this!

Friday, 6 September 2013

Roll -Updo


This was definitely one of those random days when I wake up excited to style my hair. It was pretty simple, I split the back into two sections using my fingers, I then rolled up both sides and bobby pinned them in place. Then I rolled the side section toward the opposite side and bobby pinned it. That’s it! ♥

Thursday, 5 September 2013

Hair Length Chart

I listed them in order from shortest to longest,

NL – Neck Length

SL – Shoulder Length

APL – Armpit Length

BSB – Below Shoulder Blade

BSL - Bra Strap Length

WL- Waist Length

Tailbone Length

Wednesday, 4 September 2013

The Difference between Natural, Texlaxed and Relaxed hair.

Natural Hair

Natural hair is simply hair that has never been treated by a relaxer. The hair is in the exact same state it was when it grew out of the hair follicle.

Saturday, 31 August 2013

Ever Heard Of Texlaxing? Hmm. . . What is it anyway?

Well... The first time I heard about texlaxing was only a few months ago. I stumbled upon that term accidentally when I was doing some research about hair care and how I can manage my hair.