Friday, 25 October 2013

Do the Updo!

The left side

Monday, 21 October 2013

Damaging Effects of Excessive Heat on Hair

A lot of women may not be aware that heat in excess has harmful effects on hair, more so for women who are of African heritage. You’re probably curious as to how and why, but I’ll break it down for you.

Before I get to the damaging effects, I’ll list a few examples in which artificial heat may be incorporated into your daily or weekly routine. ( I say artificial because this is not heat produced by our own bodies)

Thursday, 10 October 2013

My Length Check Tee

Here goes. . . I finally created  my own length check tee. YAY!!

There’s nothing better than keeping in touch with the length of your locks. A few months ago, I would pull out my measuring tape and note down just how long my hair was or how much more length I wanted. Using measuring tape is a great method however it was a little harder for me to be precise, so I went ahead and created my own tee. It’s real simple. Here’s how. .

Monday, 7 October 2013

The Secret Behind a Pre-Poo.

Pre–Poo? What on earth is that?

Well, to start of, the term ‘pre-poo’ is short for ‘pre-shampoo’. It’s basically a treatment that you can apply to your hair prior to shampooing it. The treatment can consist of a number of things ranging from natural oils to conditioners.